About Us

Filipinit.com is a unique on-line service created with the sole purpose of connecting families in Israel to international caregivers also currently residing in Israel.

We work with caregivers from many different nationalities from around the world, who currently live in Israel and match them to families who are looking for help with either elderly relatives or people with special needs and disabilities

With our vast experience in the field of caregiving we understand the difficulties in finding suitable live-in caregiver employment opportunities in Israel. We also are aware that families often prefer to find and interview caregivers independently and without the cost of an outside agency. Filipinit.com sets about to make this process trouble-free and straightforward.

Filipinit.com is not a placement agency but an advertising platform. We allow caregivers to build their own profile to be advertised on our extensive database where potential employers will be able to view and connect with them directly with employment opportunities.

For a limited period you can use our Filipinit.com for FREE!


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